







通信地址:福建省泉州市丰泽区东海大街398号 泉州师范学院                           










纺织研究期刊(2007 -至今)编委会成员



《国际纺织科学技术期刊》编委会成员(2012 -至今)


材料与加工工程学会中国区主席(2006 -至今)


2015-2020 中非纺织服装论坛大会主席(连续6届)


























5.教育部长江学者创新团队子项目“常压等离子体表面处理技术”,课题负责人, 20061-200712月。

6.十二五国家科技支撑计划子项目“基于三维机织物和三维机织复合材料的装备研究” 项目参与人,20131-201412

















  1. Zou, L.; Lan, C.; Yang, L.; Xu, Z.; Chu, C.; Liu, Y.; Qiu, Y., The optimization of nanocomposite coating with polyaniline coated carbon nanotubes on fabrics for exceptional electromagnetic interference shielding. Diamond and Related Materials 2020, 104.

  2. Zheng, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Jin, W.; Jing, Y.; Chen, X.; Han, X.; Bao, Q.; Liu, Y.; Wang, X.; Wang, S.; Qiu, Y.; Di, C.-a.; Zhang, K., Carbon nanotube yarn based thermoelectric textiles for harvesting thermal energy and powering electronics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8 (6), 2984-2994.

  3. Zheng, X.; Zhou, X.; Zou, L.; Hong, S.; Yao, L.; Qiu, Y., Evaluating the interfacial properties of wrinkled graphene fiber through single-fiber fragmentation tests. Journal of Materials Science 2020, 55 (3), 1023-1034.

  4. Zheng, X.; Zhou, X.; Xu, J.; Zou, L.; Nie, W.; Hu, X.; Dai, S.; Qiu, Y.; Yuan, N., Highly stretchable CNT/MnO2 nanosheets fiber supercapacitors with high energy density. Journal of Materials Science 2020, 55 (19), 8251-8263.

  5. Zheng, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zou, L.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, X.; Yao, L.; Wang, Z.; Li, C.; Qiu, Y., Robust ZIF-8/alginate fibers for the durable and highly effective antibacterial textiles. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2020, 193.

  6. Xu, F.; Zhang, K.; Qiu, Y., Light-weight, high-gain three-dimensional textile structural composite antenna. Composites Part B-Engineering 2020, 185.

  7. Wang, Q.; Yildiz, O.; Li, A.; Aly, K.; Qiu, Y.; Jiang, Q.; Pui, D. Y. H.; Chen, S.-C.; Bradford, P. D., High temperature carbon nanotube - Nanofiber hybrid filters. Separation and Purification Technology 2020, 236.

  8. Wang, L.; Zhang, K.; Farha, F. I.; Ma, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, F., Compressive strength and thermal insulation properties of the 3D woven spacer composites with connected spacer yarn structure. Journal of Materials Science 2020, 55 (6), 2380-2388.

  9. Qlan, X.; Qu, R.; Lu, C.; Qu, Y.; Wu, Z.; Wang, S.; Zhang, K., Cost-Effective Yarn-Shaped Lithium-Ion Battery with High Wearability. Acs Omega 2020, 5 (9), 4697-4704.

  10. Memon, H.; Liu, H.; Rashid, M. A.; Chen, L.; Jiang, Q.; Zhang, L.; Wei, Y.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y., Vanillin-Based Epoxy Vitrimer with High Performance and Closed-Loop Recyclability. Macromolecules 2020, 53 (2), 621-630.

  11. Lou, J.; Yao, L.; Qiu, Y.; Lin, H.; Kuang, Y.; Qi, S., The chemical degumming process and effect on the composition, structure and properties of Apocynum venetum. Textile Research Journal 2020, 90 (1), 3-9.

  12. Liu, X.; Wei, B.; Farha, F. I.; Liu, W.; Li, W.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, F., Densely packed, highly strain sensitive carbon nanotube composites with sufficient polymer penetration. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2020, 130.

  13. Lang, C.; Wu, M.; Pan, X.; Jin, J.; Wang, F.; Xu, B.; Qiu, Y., Algorithm for measuring fiber length distributions of raw cotton and combed wool using dual-beard image method. Textile Research Journal 2020.

  14. Lan, C.; Zou, L.; Qiu, Y.; Ma, Y., Tuning solid-air interface of porous graphene paper for enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding. Journal of Materials Science 2020, 55 (15), 6598-6609.

  15. Lan, C.; Guo, M.; Li, C.; Qiu, Y.; Ma, Y.; Sun, J., Axial Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes on Fibers To Enable Highly Conductive Fabrics for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (6), 7477-7485.

  16. Jiang, Q.; Tallury, S. S.; Qiu, Y.; Pasquinelli, M. A., Interfacial characteristics of a carbon nanotube-polyimide nanocomposite by molecular dynamics simulation. Nanotechnology Reviews 2020, 9 (1), 136-145.

  17. Hui, J.; Xia, H.; Fu, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Benzoyl peroxide thermo-crosslinked poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) foam with two-way shape memory effect. Materials Letters 2020, 264.

  18. Hui, J.; Xia, H.; Fu, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Two-Way Reversible Shape Memory Properties of Benzoyl Peroxide Crosslinked Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) under Different Stress Conditions. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2020, 305 (4).

  19. Hui, J.; Xia, H.; Chen, H.; Qiu, Y.; Fu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Two-way reversible shape memory polymer: Synthesis and characterization of benzoyl peroxide-crosslinked poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate). Materials Letters 2020, 258.

  20. Hu, Q.; Memon, H.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W.; Wei, Y., A Comprehensive Study on the Mechanical Properties of Different 3D Woven Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composites. Materials 2020, 13 (12).

  21. Guan, X.; Chen, H.; Xia, H.; Fu, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Multifunctional composite nanofibers with shape memory and piezoelectric properties for energy harvesting. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 2020, 31 (7), 956-966.

  22. Azhar, S. W.; Xu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, Y., Fabrication and mechanical properties of flaxseed fiber bundle-reinforced polybutylene succinate composites. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2020, 50 (1), 98-113.

  23. Zhu, Q.; Wei, Y.; Jiang, Q.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W., Recyclable carbon fiber. SAMPE Journal 2019, 55 (1), 20-28.

  24. Zhou, X.; Zheng, X.; Xu, J.; Dai, S.; Wang, X.; Hu, X.; Qiu, Y.; Yuan, N.; Ding, J., Wire-Shaped and Membrane-Free Fuel Cell Based on Biscrolled Carbon Nanotube Yarn. Energy Technology 2019, 7 (9).

  25. Zhou, Q.; Wei, T.; Qiu, Y.; Tang, F.; Yin, L.; Gan, X., Prediction and optimization of chemical fiber spinning tension based on grey system theory. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (15), 3067-3079.

  26. Zheng, X.; Yao, L.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, S.; Zhang, K., Core-Sheath Porous Polyaniline Nanorods/Graphene Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors with High Specific Capacitance and Rate Capability. Acs Applied Energy Materials 2019, 2 (6), 4335-4344.

  27. Yu, Q.; Sun, Z.; Qiu, Y.; Zhou, S.; Chen, Y.; Wu, J.; Zhou, Q.; Chen, X., Study on the braiding of preform with special-shaped sections based on the two-dimensional braiding process. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (2), 172-181.

  28. Yang, B.; Mao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Wei, Y.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y., Fast-curing halogen-free flame-retardant epoxy resins and their application in glass fiber-reinforced composites. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (18), 3700-3707.

  29. Yang, B.; Mao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Bian, G.; Zhang, L.; Wei, Y.; Jiang, Q.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W., A novel liquid imidazole-copper (II) complex as a thermal latent curing agent for epoxy resins. Polymer 2019, 178.

  30. Yan, Y.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Fabrication of gradient vapor grown carbon fiber based polyurethane foam for shape memory driven microwave shielding. RSC Advances 2019, 9 (17), 9401-9409.

  31. Yan, Y.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Shape memory driving thickness-adjustable G@SMPU sponge with ultrahigh carbon loading ratio for excellent microwave shielding performance (vol 236, pg 116, 2019). Materials Letters 2019, 237, 361-361.

  32. Yan, Y.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Multi-layer graphene oxide coated shape memory polyurethane for adjustable smart switches. Composites Science and Technology 2019, 172, 108-116.

  33. Yan, Y.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Highly aligned nonwoven vapor grown carbon fibre based polyurethane fibrous membrane for direction-dependent microwave shielding. Materials Letters 2019, 245, 98-102.

  34. Yan, Y.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Fabrication of Magnetic Cobalt and Electrically Conductive Polyaniline-Filled Three-Phase Nanocomposite for Microwave Absorption. Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science 2019, 216 (24).

  35. Wang, L.; Zhang, J.; Guo, Y.; Chen, X.; Jin, X.; Yang, Q.; Zhang, K.; Wang, S.; Qiu, Y., Fabrication of core-shell structured poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/carbon nanotube hybrids with enhanced thermoelectric power factors. Carbon 2019, 148, 290-296.

  36. Wang, L.; Liu, X.; Saleemi, S.; Zhang, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, F., Bending properties and failure mechanisms of three-dimensional hybrid woven spacer composites with glass and carbon fibers. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (21-22), 4502-4511.

  37. Wang, D.; Chen, X.; Li, Y.; Wang, J.; Qiu, Y., Finite-element Analysis of Cotton Serrated Ginning State Based on Three-dimensional Braided Modeling. Journal of Natural Fibers 2019.

  38. Shao, Y.; Xu, F.; Marriam, I.; Liu, W.; Gao, Z.; Qiu, Y., Quasi-static and dynamic interfacial evaluations of plasma functionalized carbon nanotube fiber. Applied Surface Science 2019, 465, 795-801.

  39. Lu, C.; Meng, J.; Zhang, J.; Chen, X.; Du, M.; Chen, Y.; Hou, C.; Wang, J.; Ju, A.; Wang, X.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, S.; Zhang, K., Three-Dimensional Hierarchically Porous Graphene Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors with High Specific Capacitance and Rate Capability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (28), 25205-25217.

  40. Liu, X.; Liu, W.; Xia, Q.; Feng, J.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, F., Highly tough and strain sensitive plasma functionalized carbon nanotube/epoxy composites. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2019, 121, 123-129.

  41. Liu, W.; Gao, Y.; Liu, X.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, F., Tensile and interfacial properties of dry-jet wet-spun and wet-spun polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers at cryogenic condition. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 2019, 14.

  42. Li, R.; Wei, J.; Xu, S.; Zhu, Q.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y.; Jiang, Q., Full-degradable composites reinforced by the low temperature treated cotton fabrics with enhanced strength and interfacial bonding. Composites Part B-Engineering 2019, 177.

  43. Jiang, Q.; Chen, S.; Deng, X.; Feng, Y.; Reddy, N.; Zhu, Q.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y., A sustainable low temperature yarn reinforcing process to reduce water and energy consumptions and pollution in the textile industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 210, 646-652.

  44. Hu, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Mao, Y.; Memon, H.; Qiu, Y.; Wei, Y.; Liu, W., A Comparative Study on Interlaminar Properties of L-shaped Two-Dimensional (2D) and Three-Dimensional (3D) Woven Composites. Applied Composite Materials 2019, 26 (3), 723-744.

  45. Hu, Q.; Memon, H.; Qiu, Y.; Wei, Y., The Failure Mechanism of Composite Stiffener Components Reinforced with 3D Woven Fabrics. Materials 2019, 12 (14).

  46. Hasan, S. M. K.; Li, R.; Wang, Y.; Reddy, N.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y.; Jiang, Q., Sustained Local Delivery of Diclofenac from Three-Dimensional Ultrafine Fibrous Protein Scaffolds with Ultrahigh Drug Loading Capacity. Nanomaterials 2019, 9 (7).

  47. Guo, M.; Liu, P.; Huang, B.; Qiu, Y.; Wei, Y.; Ma, Y., Hierarchical assembly of silver and gold nanoparticles in two-dimension: Toward fluorescence enhanced detection platforms. Applied Surface Science 2019, 476, 1072-1078.

  48. Guan, F.; Su, Q.; Yang, C.; Zhang, C.; Qiu, Y., Comparison of two unit cell models and simulation results of high-pass woven fabrics. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2019, 48 (6), 1097-1110.

  49. Guan, F.; Li, Z.; Zhang, C.; Yang, Z.; Qiu, Y., Transmission characteristics of cylindrical frequency selective fabrics with Jerusalem-shaped units. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (19-20), 3960-3967.

  50. Guan, F.; Li, Z.; Yang, Z.; Zhang, C.; Qiu, Y., Design and characterization of periodically conductive woven fabric. Autex Research Journal 2019, 19 (3), 236-242.

  51. Guan, F.; Li, Z.; Yang, Z.; Zhang, C.; Qiu, Y., Narrow-band frequency selective fabrics: simulation and experiment results. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (19-20), 4272-4281.

  52. Chen, X.; Wang, D.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Li, B., Finite element analysis of cotton ginning state based on ANSYS. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89 (11), 2142-2153.

  53. Aouraghe, M. A.; Xu, F.; Liu, X.; Qiu, Y., Flexible, quickly responsive and highly efficient E-heating carbon nanotube film. Composites Science and Technology 2019, 183.

  54. Zheng, X.; Zhang, K.; Yao, L.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, S., Hierarchically porous sheath-core graphene-based fiber-shaped supercapacitors with high energy density. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (3), 896-907.

  55. Yang, J.; Guo, Y.; Yao, L.; Qiu, Y., Micromechanical modeling of water-induced interfacial failure of ramie fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites. Composite Structures 2018, 203, 259-266.

  56. Yang, J.; Guo, Y.; Yao, L.; Ni, Q.; Qiu, Y., Effects of Kevlar volume fraction and fabric structures on the mechanical properties of 3D orthogonal woven ramie/Kevlar reinforced poly (lactic acid) composites. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2018, 47 (8), 2074-2091.

  57. Xu, F.; Sun, L.; Zhu, L.; Yang, S.; Hui, D.; Qiu, Y., X-ray 3D microscopy analysis of fracture mechanisms for 3D orthogonal woven E-glass/epoxy composites with drilled and moulded-in holes. Composites Part B-Engineering 2018, 133, 193-202.

  58. Xu, F.; Sun, L.; Zhang, K.; Wang, L.; Qiu, Y., Electromagnetic performance and impact damage of the microstrip antennas integrated in cylindrical three dimensional woven composite structures. Polymer Composites 2018, 39 (9), 3259-3267.

  59. Wei, Y.; Hu, X.; Jiang, Q.; Sun, Z.; Wang, P.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W., Influence of graphene oxide with different oxidation levels on the properties of epoxy composites. Composites Science and Technology 2018, 161, 74-84.

  60. Wang, Y.; Liu, W.; Qiu, Y.; Wei, Y., A One-Component, Fast-Cure, and Economical Epoxy Resin System Suitable for Liquid Molding of Automotive Composite Parts. Materials 2018, 11 (5).

  61. Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Xia, Y.; Huang, S.; Wang, Y.; Qiu, Y., Preparation, structure, and properties of melt spun cellulose acetate butyrate fibers. Textile Research Journal 2018, 88 (13), 1491-1504.

  62. Shao, Y.; Lu, W.; Chen, H.; Xiao, J. Q.; Qiu, Y.; Chou, T.-W., Flexible ultra-thin Fe3O4/MnO2 core-shell decorated CNT composite with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption performance. Composites Part B-Engineering 2018, 144, 111-117.

  63. Shao, Y.; Li, J.; Lu, W.; Xiao, J. Q.; Qiu, Y.; Chou, T.-W., Microbuckling-Enhanced Electromagnetic-Wave-Absorbing Capability of a Stretchable Fe3O4/Carbon Nanotube/Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Composite Film. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2018, 1 (5), 2227-2236.

  64. Meng, J.; Nie, W.; Zhang, K.; Xu, F.; Ding, X.; Wang, S.; Qiu, Y., Enhancing Electrochemical Performance of Graphene Fiber-Based Supercapacitors by Plasma Treatment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (16), 13652-13659.

  65. Marriam, I.; Xu, F.; Tebyetekerwa, M.; Gao, Y.; Liu, W.; Liu, X.; Qiu, Y., Synergistic effect of CNT films impregnated with CNT modified epoxy solution towards boosted interfacial bonding and functional properties of the composites. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2018, 110, 1-10.

  66. Mao, N.; Chen, W.; Meng, J.; Li, Y.; Zhang, K.; Qin, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, C.; Qiu, Y.; Wang, S., Enhanced electrochemical properties of hierarchically sheath-core aligned carbon nanofibers coated carbon fiber yarn electrode-based supercapacitor via polyaniline nanowire array modification. Journal of Power Sources 2018, 399, 406-413.

  67. Ma, K.; Qiu, Y.; Fu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Electrospun sandwich configuration nanofibers as transparent membranes for skin care drug delivery systems. Journal of Materials Science 2018, 53 (15), 10617-10626.

  68. Lou, L.; Qiu, Y.; Ji, F.; Zhu, X., The influence of surface hydrophilicity on the adhesion properties of wet fabrics or films to water. Textile Research Journal 2018, 88 (1), 108-117.

  69. Liu, P.; Zhou, Y.; Guo, M.; Yang, S.; Felix, O.; Martel, D.; Qiu, Y.; Ma, Y.; Decher, G., Fluorescence-enhanced bio-detection platforms obtained through controlled "step-by-step" clustering of silver nanoparticles. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (2), 848-855.

  70. Liu, P.; Guo, M.; Lan, C.; Huang, B.; Yang, S.; Qiu, Y.; Ma, Y., Fluorescence enhancement of strip patterned silver nanoparticle platforms prepared by room-temperature imprinting technique. Materials Express 2018, 8 (3), 272-278.

  71. Li, W.; Xu, F.; Liu, W.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, X.; Qiu, Y., Flexible strain sensor based on aerogel-spun carbon nanotube yarn with a core-sheath structure. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2018, 108, 107-113.

  72. Lan, C.; Li, C.; Hu, J.; Yang, S.; Qiu, Y.; Ma, Y., High-Loading Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nanocomposite Fabric Coatings Obtained by Capillarity-Assisted "Excess Assembly" for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5 (13).

  73. Kuang, Y.; Yao, L.; Yu, S.-H.; Tan, S.; Fan, X.-J.; Qiu, Y.-P., Design and Electromagnetic Properties of a Conformal Ultra Wideband Antenna Integrated in Three-Dimensional Woven Fabrics. Polymers 2018, 10 (8).

  74. Kuang, Y.; Yao, L.; Luan, H.; Yu, S.; Zhang, R.; Qiu, Y., Effects of weaving structures and parameters on the radiation properties of three-dimensional fabric integrated microstrip antennas. Textile Research Journal 2018, 88 (19), 2182-2189.

  75. Hu, X.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, J.; Wang, S.; Qiu, Y., Thermoelectric Properties of Conducting Polymer Nanowire-Tellurium Nanowire Composites. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2018, 1 (9), 4883-4890.

  76. Fu, T.; Yang, J.; Cheng, G.; Chen, N.; Qiu, Y., Mechanical modeling of an arc-shaped suction slot for compact spinning and analysis of additional twists. Textile Research Journal 2018, 88 (21), 2499-2505.

  77. Chen, H.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Ni, Q.-Q., Smart composites of piezoelectric particles and shape memory polymers for actuation and nanopositioning. Composites Science and Technology 2018, 163, 123-132.

  78. Chen, H.; Xia, H.; Qiu, Y.; Ni, Q.-Q., Analyzing effects of interfaces on recovery rates of shape memory composites from the perspective of molecular motions. Composites Science and Technology 2018, 163, 105-115.

  79. Bowman, S.; Jiang, Q.; Memon, H.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W.; Wei, Y., Effects of Styrene-Acrylic Sizing on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Thermoplastic Towpregs and Their Composites. Molecules 2018, 23 (3).

  80. Bowman, S.; Hu, X.; Jiang, Q.; Qiu, Y.; Liu, W.; Wei, Y., Effects of Graphene-Oxide-Modified Coating on the Properties of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites. Coatings 2018, 8 (4).

  81. Zhang, J., Zhang, K., Xu, F., Wang, S., Qiu, Y., Thermoelectric transport in ultrathin poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanowire assembly, Composites Part B: Engineering, 136(3):234-240 (2018)

  82. Wang, X., Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Preparation, structure and properties of the melt spun cellulose acetate butyrate fibers, Textile Research Journal, accepted (2017)

  83. Liu, X., Xu, F., Zhang, K., Wei, B., Gao, Z., Qiu, Y., Characterization of enhanced interfacial bonding between epoxy and plasma functionalized carbon nanotube films, Composites Science and Technology , 145 :114-121 (2017)

  84. Xia, X., Li, Z., Xue, L., Qiu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, X., The electrochemical performance of SnSb/C nanofibers with different morphologies and underlying mechanism, Journal of Materials Research, 32(6):1184-1193 (2017)

  85. Lou, L., Ji, F., Qiu, Y., The influence of surface hydrophilicity to the adhesion properties of wet fabrics or films to water, Textile Research Journal, accepted (2017)

  86. Zhao, F., Chen, S., Hu, Q., Xue, G., Ni, Q., Jiang,Q., Qiu, Y.,Antibacterial three dimensionalwoven filters containing silver nanoparticle doped nanofibers in a membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 175: 130-139 (2017)

  87. Xu, F., Fan, W., Zhang, Y., Jia, Z., Qiu, Y., Hui,D., Modification of tensile, wear and interfacial properties of Kevlar fibers under cryogenic treatment, Composites Part B, 116:398-406 (2017) IF=3.850

  88. Wang, Q., Khan, F., Shen, H., Zhang, C., Jiang, Q., Qiu, Y., Filtration properties of carbon woven fabric filters supplied with high voltage for removal of PM 1.0 particles, Separation and Purification Technology, 177: 40–48 (2017) IF = 3.299

  89. Xia, X., Li, Z., Zhou, H., Qiu, Y., Zhang, C., The effect of deep cryogenic treatment on SnSb/C nanofibers anodes forLi-ion battery, Electrochimica Acta, 222:765-772 (2016)

  90. Zheng, X., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. Comparing effects of thermal annealing and chemical reduction treatments on properties of wet-spun graphene fibers, Journal of Materials Science, 51(21): 9889–9901 (2016) IF = 2.302

  91. Zhang, Y., Xu, F., Wang, J., Zhang, K., Zhang, C., Qiu, Y., Cryogenic conditioning induced structure and property change of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers, Composites Pat B, accepted (2016) IF=3.850

  92. Shao, Y., Xu, F., Zhang, K., Zhang, C., Qiu, Y.Interfacial Strength and Debonding Mechanism between Aerogel-Spun Carbon Nanotube Yarns and Polyphenylene Sulfide, Composites Part A, 88:98–105 (2016) IF = 3.719

  93. Yang, J., Yao, L., Zhu, L., Yang, Z., Qiu, Y., Improving mechanical properties of ramie/poly(lactic acid) composites by synergistic effect of fabric cyclic loading and alkali surface treatment, Journal of Industrial Textiles, accepted (2016)

  94. Xu, F., Wang, Y., Zhu, H., Xie, X., Wang, L., Qiu, Y., Simulation and experimental study of double-element microstrip antennas based on three-dimensional woven structure with various curvature radii, Textile Research Journal, in press (2016)

  95. Li, Y., Manolache, S., Qiu, Y., Sarmadi, M., Influence of He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma pretreatment on sizing adhesion strength and breaking elongation of sized cotton rovings, Textile Research Journal, accepted (2016)

  96. Zhang, C., Liang, Y., Yao, L., Qiu, Y., Electrochemical characterization of electrospun lithium iron phosphate-carbon nanofiber-MWCNTs composites for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, In press (2016)

  97. Li, W.,Xu, F., Wang, Z., Wu, J., Liu, L., Qiu, Y., Effect of thermal treatments on structures and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube fibers, Materials Letters, 187:117-121 (2016)

  98. Li, W., Xu, F., Sun, L., Liu, W., Qiu, Y. A novel flexible humidity switch material based on multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyvinyl alcohol composite yarn. Sensors and Actuators, B. Chemical, 230:528-535 (2016) IF = 4.097

  99. Huimin Zhou, Zhiyong Li, Yiping Qiu, Xin Xia, The effects of carbon distribution and thickness on the lithium storage properties of carbon-coated SnO2 hollow nanofibers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 670(2):35-46 (2016)

  100. Li, Y; Manolache, S; Qiu, Y; Sarmadi, M, Effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment condition on adhesion of ramie fibers to polypropylene for composite, Applied Surface Science, 364(2): 294-301 (2016)

  101. Lou, L., Ji, F., Qiu, Y., Simulating adhesion of wet fabrics to water: gravity of liquid bridge-based theoretical model and experimental verification, Textile Research Journal, DOI: 10.1177/0040517516639827 (2016)

  102. Khan, F., Liu, P., Xu, F., Ma, Y., Qiu, Y., Dye aggregation in Layer-by-Layer Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics, RSC Advances, 6:20286-20293 (2016) IF = 3.840

  103. Wang, Q., Bai, Y.,  Xie, J., Jiang, Q., Qiu, Y., Synthesis and filtration properties of polyimide nanofiber membrane/carbonwoven fabric sandwiched hot gas filters for removal of PM 2.5 particles, Powder Technology, 292:54–63 (2016) IF = 2.349

  104. Zhao, F., Weng, F., Xue, G., Jiang, Q., Qiu, Y., Filtration performance of three dimensional fabric filter in a membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Separation and Purification Technology,  157:17–26 (2016) IF = 3.091

  105. Xu, F., Qiu, Y., Simulation and electromagnetic performance of cylindrical two-elementmicrostrip antenna array integrated in 3D woven glass fiber/epoxy composites, Materials and Design, 89:1048–1056 (2016) IF = 3.501

  106. Zou, L., Lan, C., Li, X., Zhang, S., Qiu, Y., Ma, Y., Superhydrophobization of cotton fabric with multiwalled carbon nanotubes for durable electromagnetic interference shielding, Fibers and Polymers, 16 (10): 2158-2164 (2015)

  107. Guo, X., Zhao, Y., Qiu Y., Shi, X.  Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticle-Supported Composite Materials for Environmental Remediation Applications,Current Nanoscience. 11:748-759 (2015).

  108. Sun, J. Qiu, Y., The Effects of gas composition on the atmospheric pressure plasma jet modification of polyethylene films, Plasma Science & Technology, 17: 402-408 (2015)

  109. Lou, L., Ji, F., Qiu, Y. Simulation of wet fabrics adhering to human skin: surface tension based theoretical model and experimental verification, Textile Research Journal, 85(19): 1987-1998 (2015)

  110. Xu, F., Wei, B., Liu, W., Zhu, H., Qiu, Y., In-plane mechanical properties of carbon nanotube films fabricated by floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition, Journal of Materials Science,  50(24):8166-8174  (2015)

  111. Xu, F.,Wei, B., Li, W., Liu, J., Liu, W., Qiu, Y., Cylindrical conformal single-patch microstrip antennas based on three dimensional woven glass fiber/ epoxy resin composites, Composites Part B.,78: 331-337 (2015)

  112. Gao, T., Zhao, Y., Zhou, G., Han, Y., Zheng, Y., Shan, Z., Hui, H., Xu, F., Qiu, Y., Fabrication and characterization of three dimensional woven carbonfiber/silica ceramic matrix composites, Composites Part B.,77:122-128 (2015)

  113. Ge, Y., Zhu, J., Lu, Y., Chen,C., Qiu Y.,Zhang, X., The study on structure and electrochemical sodiation of one-dimensional nanocrystalline TiO2@C nanofiber composites, Electrochimica Acta, 176:989996 (2015)

  114. Ge, Y., Jiang, H., Zhu, J., Lu, Y., Chen,C., Hu, Y., Qiu Y.,Zhang, X., High cyclability of carbon-coated TiO2 nanoparticles as anode forsodium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 157:142–148 (2015)

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